About us - BEST


BEST was incorporated in the Philippines on the 15th of September 1999 and is engaged in contracting & consulting for waste management related business. Currently, bXTRA Philippines is the Official Cashback Partner for two of BEST’s flagship programs, the My Basurero App and the Trash to Cashback Program, which focus primarily on recyclable waste collection through proper waste segregation at the source.

My Basurero App

Private individuals or companies can easily get a quote for a waste collection service and have their household wastes, construction debris, recyclables, and other wastes collected.

Users can enjoy the following features: earn EP with every collection, view the crew information, check their booking history, and more. Book online via https://mybasurero.com.ph/

Trash to Cashback Program

An incentivized segregation-at-source and recyclables exchange program that encourages households, offices, and other establishments to properly segregate recyclables at the source. Participants are rewarded with Environmental Points/Cashback upon every exchange made at BEST's My Basurero Eco-Community (MBE-C) Centers.

Know more via http://qrco.de/TrashToCashback

Best Store

BEST's online store where Eco-Warriors are able to purchase eco-friendly, recycled products made from recyclables exchanged through My Basurero and Trash to Cashback. Order online on the Lazada website mobile app.

Shop now via https://lazada.com.ph/shop/best-store/

Trash to Cashback Mart

BEST's online store affordable grocery essentials including frozen goods, instant noodles, and more!

Redeem now via https://bxtraoutlet.delivery/vendor/ttcb-mart/

CONTACT DETAILS For inquiruies/partnership, feel free to contact BEST.

Saving the Environment, while Helping the Community-One Recyclable at a time!

Start your Cashback Journey Today!